Conference Rooms

User Responsibilities/Please do the following:

  • Schedule conference room times to include time for pre-meeting set up and clean-up after the meeting.
  • Keep to your scheduled times so that others are not inconvenienced.
  • If new to using the conference room and AV equipment, schedule time to try out AV equipment with your laptop prior to your meeting.
  • At meeting end, return chairs and tables to classroom set up.
  • Take all items with you when you leave, including garbage and recycling. Take garbage and recycling to the garage level B/west end (right off the elevator).The two dumpsters next to the wall are for regular garbage. The two away from the wall are mixed use recycling. Your building access card will allow you to access the garage level.  Please let us know if you need an access card, one can be logged out from the management office.Please call or email before coming to the office to arrange a time to pick up/drop off the access card. Office Hours are 8:30am-4:30pm, M-F.

Thanks so much for being a good neighbor! This is shared space for all tenants.

Conference Rooms Floors 1 & 2

  1. Hours of availability – as of 6/1/21
    7:00am-6:00pm, Monday – Friday
    9:00am-3:00pm, Saturday
  2. Rooms will be scheduled so that cleaning/sanitizing can take place between noon-1:00pm and again after 6:00pm.

First floor conference room:

  • Space will accommodate up to 40 attendees.
    (The dividing wall will no longer be used in this conference room.)
  • Rooms offer wi-fi and audio-visual features

Second floor conference room:

  • Room will accommodate up to 24 attendees
  • Room offers wi-fi and audio-visual features

Reserve A Conference Room

Please view the calendar below for available times, and fill out the form to request an available meeting room.
Your reservation is finalized when you either receive the email confirmation or have spoken directly to us.
Availability is on first come, first served basis. Thank you!

  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • Start Time
  • End Time
  • Please do not exit this page until your form submission has been processed. You will be redirected to a new page when it is complete.

  • *Green = Second Floor Conference Room
  • *Red = Conference room #135
  • *Gold = Conference room #145
  • *Purple = Both #135 & #145 Conference Rooms